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March 11, 2024

Tampa Truck Accident Compensation 

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Truck accident claims are complex beasts. Given the potential for significant damages, trucking companies and their insurers often put up a tough fight to minimize payouts. They have resources at their disposal, including legal teams and insurance adjusters, whose job is to protect their bottom line, not your interests. This is where having Jeff Murphy Law by your side becomes invaluable. We know their tactics, and we’re not afraid to stand up and fight for what you deserve.

Gathering the Right Evidence

To secure the compensation you’re entitled to, we need to build a rock-solid case. This means gathering all the necessary evidence to support your claim. It includes, but isn’t limited to, medical records, accident reports, witness statements, and expert testimonies. As your truck accident lawyer, we take the lead on this, working tirelessly to compile and present evidence that accurately reflects the full extent of your losses.

Navigating Florida’s Laws

Florida’s laws can impact your compensation in several ways. For instance, Florida operates under a comparative negligence system, meaning your compensation could be reduced by your percentage of fault in the accident. Moreover, dealing with Florida’s no-fault insurance system adds another layer of complexity to securing compensation from the at-fault party. We’re here to navigate these legal waters for you, ensuring that you understand your rights and the best strategies to maximize your compensation.

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Bank of America Plaza, 101 E
Kennedy Blvd 39th Floor,
Tampa, FL 33602

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(813) 553-5517

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Bank of America Plaza, 101 E
Kennedy Blvd 39th Floor,
Tampa, FL 33602

Mon - Fri: 24/7 Call Answering Sat & Sun: By appt

Also Serving Clearwater, FL, Tampa Bay, FL and St. Petersburg, FL