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Car Accident Lawyer Tampa, FL

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Tampa Car Accident Lawyer

As a dedicated Tampa car accident lawyer at Jeff Murphy Law, I understand that car accidents can vary greatly in their severity. From the most catastrophic collisions to the slightest fender benders, each accident presents unique challenges and concerns. My experience has taught me that regardless of the nature of the accident, the initial moments following the collision are crucial.

It’s imperative to stay calm and composed after an accident. This can be challenging, but it’s essential for handling the situation effectively. In my practice, I emphasize the importance of certain fundamental actions to take immediately after an accident. These steps not only ensure your safety but also help in any future legal proceedings related to the incident.

car accident

Common Causes of Car Accidents

I understand that car accidents can occur due to a myriad of reasons. Recognizing these common causes is crucial, as this knowledge not only aids in preventing future accidents but also assists those affected in seeking justice and compensation. My experience in this field has reinforced the importance of this understanding for both preventative measures and legal recourse.

Distracted Driving

One of the leading causes of car accidents today is distracted driving. This includes any activity that diverts attention from driving, such as talking or texting on your phone, eating and drinking, talking to people in your vehicle, or fiddling with the stereo, entertainment, or navigation system. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 3,142 people were killed in motor vehicle crashes involving distracted drivers in 2019 alone. At Jeff Murphy Law, we’ve seen how these moments of inattention can lead to catastrophic consequences.


Speeding is another major factor in car accidents. Driving above the speed limit is not only illegal, but it also reduces the driver’s ability to navigate safely around curves or objects in the roadway, extends the distance necessary to stop a vehicle, and increases the severity of an accident. As we often advise our clients at Jeff Murphy Law, adhering to speed limits isn’t just about following the law – it’s about ensuring everyone’s safety on the road.

Drunk Driving

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a serious offense and a prevalent cause of accidents. Alcohol impairs thinking, reasoning, and muscle coordination, all of which are essential in operating a vehicle safely. Despite widespread awareness campaigns and strict laws, drunk driving remains a persistent problem. If you or a loved one has been the victim of an accident involving an impaired driver, we at Jeff Murphy Law are here to offer our expert legal guidance and support.

Reckless Driving

Reckless driving, including aggressive behaviors like changing lanes quickly, driving aggressively, and not respecting other drivers’ rights, can lead to severe accidents. This type of driving behavior not only endangers the driver but also others on the road. Our team has represented many clients who have been affected by such reckless actions, and we understand the physical and emotional trauma it can cause.

Weather Conditions

Poor weather conditions, especially in areas prone to heavy rains, fog, or ice, can also lead to accidents. Adverse weather conditions make driving more hazardous and require extra caution and reduced speeds. Unfortunately, not all drivers adjust their driving habits accordingly, which can lead to accidents. We encourage drivers to be extra vigilant during poor weather conditions.

Running Red Lights

Ignoring traffic signals, especially red lights, is a significant cause of urban crashes. Drivers who run red lights risk colliding with vehicles that have the right of way, often resulting in T-bone or side-impact collisions, which can be particularly dangerous. At Jeff Murphy Law, we’ve assisted clients who have been involved in such accidents, helping them navigate the complex legal aftermath.

Teenage Drivers

Inexperienced drivers, particularly teenagers, are more likely to make mistakes that lead to car accidents. Their lack of driving experience often means they’re less capable of recognizing and responding to hazards on the road. It’s crucial for young drivers to receive proper education and training, and for parents to set a good example of safe driving.

Understanding the common causes of car accidents is crucial in our line of work. At Jeff Murphy Law, I have seen the impacts these accidents can have on individuals and families. If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident, I want you to know that you are not alone. My commitment is to offer compassionate and informed legal assistance to those affected by car accidents. I encourage you to reach out to me to discuss your case and explore your legal options. Remember, being well-informed and cautious is a key step towards making our roads safer for everyone.

Common Car Accident Injuries

Car accidents can cause a range of injuries, some of which may not be immediately apparent due to adrenaline. Recognizing these common injuries is vital for proper medical evaluation and legal proceedings.


  • Nature of Injury: Whiplash typically occurs due to the sudden movement of the head and neck during a collision.
  • Symptoms: Look out for back or neck pain and discomfort, which could indicate whiplash.
  • Medical Attention: It’s important to have a doctor conduct tests to confirm the diagnosis.
  • Recovery and Legal Implications: While recovery can take several weeks, whiplash rarely leads to permanent damage. However, documenting this injury is crucial for any legal claims.


  • Causes and Identification: Even minor collisions can cause bruising due to seatbelt pressure.
  • Healing Time: Bruises usually heal within one to two weeks.
  • Legal Considerations: Documenting bruising, even if minor, can be relevant in legal claims for compensation.

Back and Neck Injuries

  • Types of Injuries: These can range from minor strains to severe conditions like ruptured or herniated spinal discs.
  • Exacerbation of Pre-Existing Conditions: If pre-existing back or neck issues are present, it’s critical to have an orthopedist assess whether the accident worsened these conditions.
  • Legal Implications: Back and neck injuries, especially aggravated ones, can significantly influence the outcome of a legal claim.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  • Emotional Impact: Not all injuries are physical; emotional and mental trauma like PTSD is common after accidents.
  • Symptoms: Difficulty sleeping, anxiety about driving, and nightmares are indicators.
  • Legal and Medical Steps: Discussing potential PTSD with a lawyer and seeking medical advice is crucial for both recovery and legal documentation.

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

  • Critical Nature of Injury: TBIs can be severe, altering brain function and emotional processing.
  • Importance of Medical Examination: Immediate and thorough medical evaluation is vital, even for minor accidents, as TBIs might not be immediately apparent.
  • Long-Term Implications: Treatment for TBIs can be extensive and life-changing, impacting both health and legal aspects of a car accident claim.

Understanding and identifying these injuries are essential steps in both the medical treatment and legal processes following a car accident. It’s important to consult healthcare professionals and legal experts, like those at Jeff Murphy Law, to ensure proper care and legal representation.

Contact our Tampa Car Accident Lawyer

Sit Down with Attorney Jeff Murphy to Answer the Question: What Does it Mean to be Fully Covered in an Auto Accident?

Timeframe to File an Accident Claim in Florida

The statute of limitations in Florida is four years post-accident. However, it’s advisable to consult a lawyer as soon as possible for a timely claim. Necessary evidence includes the police report, photos of the accident scene, medical records, and auto repair bills.

Most car accident lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, taking a percentage of your settlement. Lawyers can help secure fair settlements from insurance companies and possess extensive knowledge about car accident cases. In case of an accident, especially with an uncooperative driver, it’s important to consult a car accident lawyer to ensure fair handling of your case.

If you have been injured in a car accident caused by another party, contact our car accident lawyers from Jeff Murphy Law. Our legal team will work diligently to get you the financial compensation you deserve for the losses your injuries have caused you to suffer. Call our office today for a free and confidential consultation. 

Negotiating With Insurance Companies

Navigating the aftermath of an automobile accident can be a daunting endeavor, particularly when engaging in negotiations with insurance companies. As representatives of Jeff Murphy Law, a distinguished firm specializing in personal injury law in Tampa, FL, we possess a deep understanding of the complexities involved. Our expertise allows us to offer valuable insights into the process of effectively negotiating with insurance companies, ensuring that our clients’ rights are vigorously protected and that they receive the compensation they rightfully deserve.

Understanding the Importance of Initial Preparation

The foundation of a successful negotiation with an insurance company begins with thorough preparation. We, at Jeff Murphy Law, emphasize the significance of collecting comprehensive evidence related to the accident. This includes police reports, medical records, witness statements, and photographs of the scene and damages. Equipped with this evidence, we are able to construct a robust case that substantiates our client’s claims.

Moreover, understanding the specifics of our client’s insurance policy, as well as the at-fault party’s coverage, is crucial. Familiarity with these details enables us to identify the relevant coverage provisions and limitations, setting the stage for informed negotiations.

Effective Communication Strategies

Throughout the negotiation process, maintaining open, clear, and professional communication with the insurance adjuster is paramount. Our approach involves presenting our client’s case in a manner that is both persuasive and supported by factual evidence. We articulate the extent of our client’s injuries, the impact on their quality of life, and the financial burdens incurred as a result of the accident. By doing so, we strive to ensure that the insurance company fully comprehends the gravity of the situation and the necessity for adequate compensation.

Furthermore, as experienced car accident lawyers in Tampa, FL, we recognize the importance of patience and persistence. Negotiations can be protracted and challenging, with insurance companies often employing tactics to minimize payouts. Our steadfast commitment to our clients’ interests allows us to navigate these obstacles effectively, advocating for their rights at every turn.

Strategic Negotiation Techniques

Leveraging our legal acumen, we employ strategic negotiation techniques that are tailored to each case’s unique circumstances. This includes calculating a fair and realistic settlement range based on the damages suffered and the applicable legal standards. We present this range to the insurance company as a starting point for negotiations, prepared to justify each element of the claim with concrete evidence.

In situations where the insurance company’s offer falls short of our expectations, we are skilled in utilizing counteroffers and, if necessary, escalation to higher authorities within the insurance company. Our objective is always to reach a settlement that reflects the true value of our client’s claim, without compromising on their behalf.

Legal Representation

Engaging a car accident lawyer from Jeff Murphy Law in Tampa, FL, can significantly enhance your prospects in negotiations with insurance companies. Our expertise not only lies in understanding the nuances of personal injury law but also in our ability to navigate the intricate dynamics of insurance negotiations. We provide our clients with the reassurance that their case is being handled by professionals who are committed to securing the best possible outcome.

In conclusion, negotiating with insurance companies requires a blend of thorough preparation, effective communication, strategic negotiation, and skilled legal representation. At Jeff Murphy Law, we embody these principles in our practice, ensuring that our clients are well-represented and their interests are fervently advocated for. Through our dedicated efforts, we aim to alleviate the burden on our clients, allowing them to focus on their recovery while we pursue the compensation they deserve.

What To Do During A Car Accident

First and foremost, you’ll want to attend to your injuries and the injuries of anyone else involved in the crash. Everything else can wait until your health is evaluated. Second, you’ll want to preserve your legal options by connecting with an experienced Tampa, Florida car accident lawyer from Jeff Murphy Law. Once your health has been prioritized and your legal interests are being protected, your next steps will become clearer. If you’ve just suffered an accident, please consider the following steps –

Check Everyone for Injuries

Beginning with yourself, check everyone for injuries. If you are not seriously injured, check on your passengers. After they have checked out, move to the other drivers and passengers in other cars. If pedestrians are involved, you should check on them as well.

If you are severely injured and unable to check on everyone else, it’s ok to stay put until someone who can help arrives on the scene. If anyone is able to administer first aid, he or she should do so until professional medical personnel arrives.

Contact the Police

Some states require you to contact the police after an accident, but even in states where it’s not required, it’s a good idea. Calling 911 will get proper medical personnel there if you or anyone else needs medical assistance. The responding police officer will probably speak with everyone involved in the accident to get a better understanding of what happened. He or she will then write up a report that can be used during the claims process or as evidence for a lawsuit. If you are uncomfortable calling for law enforcement until you have your car accident lawyer on the scene, that’s okay. Call our firm and we’ll help to ensure that law enforcement is alerted while we’re en route to assist you. 

Move to Safety

If you and the others involved in the accident are able to safely leave your cars, you should move to safety instead of hanging out in the middle of the road. If traffic allows and your physical abilities allow, you may want to push the cars out of the way as well. This can help others to avoid getting in an accident with your already crashed cars.

Swap Information

Before you leave the scene, and even if the police officer has already done this, you should swap information with any other drivers involved in the accident. Check out Documents For Your Lawyer After A Car Accident to learn more about what information you should provide your attorney after an accident. You’ll want both their contact information and their insurance information. It could benefit you to collect contact information for passengers and witnesses as well. If you have to leave the scene (in an ambulance) before you can obtain this information, your car accident attorney can help to track it down on your behalf. 

If you were involved in a car accident, there’s no time to waste. Contact a car accident lawyer so you can get everything squared away as soon as possible, and so you can preserve your legal options and protect your rights.

Tampa Car Accident Lawyer Infographic

Common Car Accident Injuries Infographic

Tampa Car Accident Statistics

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), almost 43,000 people are killed in car accidents each year. NHTSA data also reveals that July to September tends to be the deadliest period of the year for car accidents, with October to December following close behind. The first three months of the year are generally the least deadly, although thousands of accidents still occur.

Contact a car accident lawyer for legal assistance if you or loved one has been injured in a crash caused by the negligence of another party or parties. Make sure you get the financial compensation you deserve for the injuries you have suffered.

Frequently Asked Questions About Car Accidents

What Should I Do Immediately After a Car Accident?

Immediately after a car accident, prioritize safety. Check for injuries and call emergency services if needed. Move to a safe location if possible, and then exchange contact and insurance information with the other driver. Document the scene with photos and take note of any relevant details, such as traffic signs and road conditions. It’s also essential to report the accident to the police and obtain a copy of the police report. Avoid discussing fault at the scene and contact your insurance company as soon as possible to report the incident.

How Do I Deal with Insurance Companies After an Accident?

When dealing with insurance companies after an accident, be cautious with your communication. Report the accident but avoid making any admissions of fault or giving detailed statements before consulting with a lawyer. Insurance adjusters may try to minimize your claim’s value, so it’s important to have a clear understanding of your policy and rights. Consider having a lawyer negotiate on your behalf, especially if there are injuries or significant property damage involved. Keep records of all conversations and correspondences related to the accident and your claim.

Can I Claim for Emotional Distress After a Car Accident?

Yes, you can claim emotional distress following a car accident. This falls under non-economic damages and can include anxiety, depression, trauma, and loss of enjoyment of life resulting from the accident. Documenting your emotional state through medical records, therapy sessions, or a personal journal can strengthen your claim. A lawyer can guide you on the specifics of proving emotional distress and the likelihood of receiving compensation for it.

Should I Hire a Lawyer for a Minor Car Accident?

Hiring a lawyer for a minor car accident can be beneficial, especially if there are any injuries, potential legal complexities, or disputes about who is at fault. A lawyer can help navigate the insurance claims process, ensure fair compensation, and handle any unforeseen legal issues. Even in minor accidents, legal advice can provide peace of mind and protect your rights.

What is the Statute of Limitations for Car Accident Claims?

The statute of limitations for car accident claims varies by state, typically ranging from one to six years. It’s crucial to be aware of the specific timeframe in your state, as failing to file a claim within this period can result in losing your right to seek compensation. The statute of limitations may differ for personal injury claims and property damage claims, so consult a lawyer to understand the deadlines relevant to your case.

Tampa Car Accident Statistics

According to the National Safety Council, motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of personal injury in the United States. In 2021, there were over 6 million car accidents in the United States, resulting in over 3 million injuries and 40,000 fatalities.

Contact our Tampa Car Accident Lawyer Today!

You should choose Jeff Murphy Law to represent you because Jeff Murphy has over 30 years of experience you can trust. In fact, he’s even one of the reputable few to receive an AV rating from Martindale-Hubbell, which is the highest-ranking to bestow upon a lawyer for his legal ability and ethics. In other words, you know you’re getting one of the very best and most qualified personal injury experts when you hire Jeff. What’s more, he has a proven track record of success, ensuring that his clients are adequately compensated whether they want to go to trial or settle.

For more information on how a car accident lawyer in Tampa, FL can help you become whole again, all new clients should call us at (813) – 553 – 5517 and existing clients should call us at (813) – 443 – 5553.

Jeff Murphy Law, Tampa Car Accident Lawyer

Floor Bank of America Plaza, 101 E Kennedy Blvd #39th, Tampa, FL 33602

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“Jeff Murphy is a great attorney. I have known him for many years and have worked with him on personal injury cases. He is smart, experienced, and knows how to get great results for his clients. I give him the highest recommendation..”
G. Yerrid
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